Getting Started
React Relay Offline
React Relay Offline is a extension of Relay for offline capabilities
Installation React Web
Install react-relay and react-relay-offline using yarn or npm:
yarn add react-relay react-relay-offline
Installation React Native
Install react-relay and react-relay-offline using yarn or npm:
yarn add @react-native-community/netinfo react-relay react-relay-offline
You then need to link the native parts of the library for the platforms you are using. The easiest way to link the library is using the CLI tool by running this command from the root of your project:
react-native link @react-native-community/netinfo
Main Additional Features
automatic persistence and rehydration of the store (AsyncStorage, localStorage, IndexedDB)
configuration of persistence
custom storage
different key prefix (multi user)
serialization: JSON or none
fetchPolicy network-only, store-and-network, store-or-network, store-only
management and utilities for network detection
automatic use of the polity store-only when the application is offline
optimization in store management and addition of TTL to queries in the store
offline mutation management
backup of mutation changes
update and publication of the mutation changes in the store
persistence of mutation information performed
automatic execution of mutations persisted when the application returns online
configurability of the offline mutation execution network
onComplete callback of the mutation performed successfully
onDiscard callback of the failed mutation
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react-relay-offline examples
The offline-examples repository contains example projects on how to use react-relay-offline:
: using the render-as-you-fetch pattern with loadQuery in SSR contextsnextjs
: using the QueryRenderer in SSR contextsreact-native/todo-updater
: using QueryRender in an RN applicationtodo-updater
: using the QueryRendersuspense/cra
: using useLazyLoadQuery in a CRAsuspense/nextjs-ssr-preload
: using the render-as-you-fetch pattern with loadLazyQuery in react concurrent + SSR contextssuspense/nextjs-ssr
: using useLazyLoadQuery in SSR contexts
To try it out!
import { Network } from "relay-runtime";
import { RecordSource, Store, Environment } from "react-relay-offline";
const network = Network.create(fetchQuery);
const recordSource = new RecordSource();
const store = new Store(recordSource);
const environment = new Environment({ network, store });
Environment with Offline Options
import { Network } from "relay-runtime";
import { RecordSource, Store, Environment } from "react-relay-offline";
const network = Network.create(fetchQuery);
const networkOffline = Network.create(fetchQueryOffline);
const manualExecution = false;
const recordSource = new RecordSource();
const store = new Store(recordSource);
const environment = new Environment({ network, store });
manualExecution, //optional
network: networkOffline, //optional
start: async mutations => {
console.log("start offline", mutations);
return mutations;
finish: async (mutations, error) => {
console.log("finish offline", error, mutations);
onExecute: async mutation => {
console.log("onExecute offline", mutation);
return mutation;
onComplete: async options => {
console.log("onComplete offline", options);
return true;
onDiscard: async options => {
console.log("onDiscard offline", options);
return true;
onPublish: async offlinePayload => {
console.log("offlinePayload", offlinePayload);
return offlinePayload;
manualExecution: if set to true, mutations in the queue are no longer performed automatically as soon as you go back online. invoke manually:
network: it is possible to configure a different network for the execution of mutations in the queue; all the information of the mutation saved in the offline store are inserted into the "metadata" field of the CacheConfig so that they can be used during communication with the server.
start: function that is called once the request queue has been started.
finish: function that is called once the request queue has been processed.
onExecute: function that is called before the request is sent to the network.
onPublish: function that is called before saving the mutation in the store
onComplete: function that is called once the request has been successfully completed. Only if the function returns the value true, the request is deleted from the queue.
onDiscard: function that is called when the request returns an error. Only if the function returns the value true, the mutation is deleted from the queue
localStorage is used as the default react web persistence, while AsyncStorage is used for react-native.
To use persistence via IndexedDB:
import { Network } from "relay-runtime";
import EnvironmentIDB from "react-relay-offline/lib/runtime/EnvironmentIDB";
const network = Network.create(fetchQuery);
const environment = EnvironmentIDB.create({ network });
Environment with PersistOfflineOptions
import { Network } from "relay-runtime";
import { RecordSource, Store, Environment } from "react-relay-offline";
import { CacheOptions } from "@wora/cache-persist";
const network = Network.create(fetchQuery);
const networkOffline = Network.create(fetchQueryOffline);
const persistOfflineOptions: CacheOptions = {
prefix: "app-user1"
const recordSource = new RecordSource();
const store = new Store(recordSource);
const environment = new Environment({ network, store }, persistOfflineOptions);
Store with custom options
import { Store } from "react-relay-offline";
import { CacheOptions } from "@wora/cache-persist";
import { CacheOptionsStore } from "@wora/relay-store";
const persistOptionsStore: CacheOptionsStore = { defaultTTL: 10 * 60 * 1000 }; // default
const persistOptionsRecords: CacheOptions = {}; // default
const recordSource = new RecordSource(persistOptionsRecords);
const store = new Store(recordSource, persistOptionsStore);
const environment = new Environment({ network, store });
- Add "cached" property in render function
- Add "ttl" property in order to change default ttl in store
determine whether it should use data cached in the Relay store and whether to send a network request. The options are:store-or-network
(default): Reuse data cached in the store; if the whole query is cached, skip the network requeststore-and-network
: Reuse data cached in the store; always send a network
: Don't reuse data cached in the store; always send a network request. (This is the default behavior of Relay's existingQueryRenderer
: Reuse data cached in the store; never send a network request.
import { QueryRenderer } from 'react-relay-offline';
render={({ props, error, retry, cached }) => {
import { useQuery } from "react-relay-offline";
const hooksProps = useQuery(query, variables, {
networkCacheConfig: cacheConfig,
import { useQuery } from "react-relay-offline";
const hooksProps = useLazyLoadQuery(query, variables, {
networkCacheConfig: cacheConfig,
useRestore & loading
the useRestore hook allows you to manage the hydratation of persistent data in memory and to initialize the environment.
It must always be used before using environement in web applications without SSR & react legacy & react-native.
Otherwise, for SSR and react concurrent applications the restore is natively managed by QueryRenderer & useQueryLazyLoad & useQuery.
const isRehydrated = useRestore(environment);
if (!isRehydrated) {
return <Loading />;
import { fetchQuery } from "react-relay-offline";
import { commitMutation, graphql } from "react-relay-offline";
Detect Network
import { useIsConnected } from "react-relay-offline";
import { useNetInfo } from "react-relay-offline";
import { NetInfo } from "react-relay-offline";
Supports Hooks from relay-hooks
Now you can use hooks (useFragment, usePagination, useRefetch) from relay-hooks
render-as-you-fetch & usePreloadedQuery
- input parameters
same as useQuery + environment
- output parameters
next: <TOperationType extends OperationType>( environment: Environment, gqlQuery: GraphQLTaggedNode, variables?: TOperationType['variables'], options?: QueryOptions, ) => Promise<void>
: fetches data. A promise returns to allow the await in case of SSRdispose: () => void
: cancel the subscription and dispose of the fetchsubscribe: (callback: (value: any) => any) => () => void
: used by the usePreloadedQuerygetValue <TOperationType>(environment?: Environment,) => OfflineRenderProps<TOperationType> | Promise<any>
: used by the usePreloadedQuery
import {graphql, loadQuery} from 'react-relay-offline';
import {environment} from ''./environment';
const query = graphql`
query AppQuery($id: ID!) {
user(id: $id) {
const prefetch = loadQuery();
{id: '4'},
{fetchPolicy: 'store-or-network'},
// pass prefetch to usePreloadedQuery()
is the same as loadQuery but must be used with suspense
render-as-you-fetch in SSR
In SSR contexts, not using the useRestore hook it is necessary to manually invoke the hydrate but without using the await.
This will allow the usePreloadedQuery hook to correctly retrieve the data from the store and once the hydration is done it will be react-relay-offline
to notify any updated data in the store.
if (!environment.isRehydrated() && ssr) {
environment.hydrate().then(() => {}).catch((error) => {});
}, QUERY_APP, variables, {
fetchPolicy: NETWORK_ONLY,
- Version >=8.0.0 of the react-relay library
- When a new node is created by mutation the id must be generated in the browser to use it in the optimistic response
React Relay Offline is MIT licensed.